Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pre-Mature Babies

Pre-Mature Babies                         Ignacio Gutierrez
There are about 133 million babies born every year. About 12.5% that’s more than half a million a year of babies in the U.S. are born pre maturely. Many problems come with being born prematurely they are in danger of dying after being born or have special needs.

  A normal term for a full pregnancy is about 40 weeks, Babies born before 37 would be classified as a premature pregnancy.  Pre mature births are a serious health problem. Babies born pre mature are in danger of newborn health problems, such as breathing problems or even death.  Intensive care units are used to car for babies born pre maturely along with its own staff to deal with a child born pre mature. Not only are the babies in danger of new born problems they face long lasting disabilities. Such as mental retardation, learning and behavioral problems, cerebral palsy, lung problems and vision and hearing loss. Some studies show that’s it can also cause autism in them.
  Some precautions can be taken to help a child born prematurely.  If a doctor suspects that a women is going to have a pre mature birth they will give her corticosteroid drugs. These drugs help speed up the manufacturing of the lungs which will stop the babies from having breathing problems and death.  The doctor will also give her a shot that delays the labor process for a couple days. This will allow the doctor to give her the drugs and to get everything ready that a premature baby survives thus giving the child a better chance of survival.

  Any woman can be in the risk of having a child born pre mature but other woman are in a greater risk of having a child born pre mature. Women who have had a previous pre mature child, a woman with multiple babies such as twins or triplets, and woman with certain uterine or cervical abnormities.  Also the life style of woman may cause the birth of a pre mature child such as smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, or using illegal drugs.
 In conclusion Pre mature babies are a challenge to care for. The chance of having a pre mature baby is not slim. Although they have special equipment and percussions for children born pre mature it is still dangerous, not only after birth but through their life if they receive a mental illness. There are many precautions to take if you are pregnant and don’t want a pre mature baby.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

               MY FIRST DAY AS A PARENT
1.Eh not really he acted just normal and said your f@#$$#.
2.My freinds and family didnt act diffrent the just thought it was cool that i have it.
3. If we could start over i would defiantly get another baby like a actual doll
4The most shocking thing about the baby cost is how much it cost in the first year alone.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

  • What do you still want to learn in Life Skills and Personal Finance this year?  More financial stuff.
  • What recommendations do you have for next year?  less work that's due the next day
  • Which sections should we cover that we didn't cover this year?  Idk
  • Which sections that we covered should we skip [or change] next year? The work.
  • How could this class be better next year? more hands on